our services

Quality Control Before Launching a New Product

Our inspector will assess your product from the buyer’s perspective, providing a comprehensive and detailed review. This evaluation allows you to anticipate your clients’ impressions and confidently address all their questions about the product’s features and functionalities.

Comprehensive Quality Control for New Product Launches

Expert Supplier Sourcing in China: Secure the Best Deals with Confidence

We offer comprehensive supplier sourcing services in China, providing you with a curated list of suppliers that precisely match your requirements, along with up-to-date market analysis. This valuable information helps you avoid unnecessary expenses and negotiate the most favorable terms with suppliers.

Sourcing from China Your Trusted Partner for Amazon Sellers

LIVE + Factory Audit: Real-Time Verification of Supplier Capability

Our inspector guides you through the factory live, showcasing the manufacturing processes, production lines, and material quality. Gain a clear understanding of the manufacturer’s capabilities before placing your order.

Factory audit in China

Samples Inspection in China

Selecting the right supplier without waiting for samples to be shipped internationally can significantly streamline your procurement process. By conducting samples inspection directly in China, you not only save on international shipping costs but also reduce the time required to finalize a supplier, ensuring a faster turnaround.

Samples Inspection in China A Smart Choice for Quality Assurance

LIVE + Quality Control Inspection Service

Our LIVE + Quality Control Inspection Service allows you to monitor the inspection process in real-time, ensuring that your products meet the highest standards without the need for on-site visits. With this service, you can observe every step of the inspection process as it happens, giving you immediate feedback and control over product quality.

LIVE Quality Control Inspection Service